王静,中共党员,光电与信息工程学院研究员,博导。2020年获得澳大利亚昆士兰大学(The University of Queensland)生物医学工程博士学位,2019.7-2021.2在昆士兰大学从事博士后研究工作。2020年入选福建省“闽江学者奖励计划”特聘教授,福建师范大学“宝琛计划”高端人才。近五年,在国内外大会做口头报告6次。目前已发表高水平SCI论文33篇,以第一作者或共一作者发表11篇SCI一区和5篇SCI二区论文,包括Science Advances (Science 子刊), Nature Communications(Nature子刊), Advanced Functional Materials, ACS Nano, Advanced Sciences等。截至2021.10.22,Google学术总引用652次,H因子15。
1. 纳米材料的制备与表征
2. 可用于体液活检样品分析的光学传感器研发
3. 床旁检测技术(point-of-care)研发
[1] Jing Wang†, Yung-Ching Kao†, Quan Zhou, Alain Wuethrich*, Mitchell S. Stark, Helmut Schaider, H. Peter Soyer, Lynlee L. Lin* and Matt Trau*. An Integrated Microfluidic-SERS Platform Enables Sensitive Phenotyping of Serum Extracellular Vesicles in Early Stage Melanomas. Advanced Functional Materials, 2021, 2010296. (SCI一区,IF=18.8)
[2] Jing Wang, Alain Wuethrich*, Richard J. Lobb, Fiach Antaw, Abu Ali Ibn Sina, Rebecca E. Lane, Quan Zhou, Chloe Zieschank, Caroline Bell, Vanessa F. Bonazzi, Lauren G. Aoude, Sarah Everitt, Belinda Yeo, Andrew P. Barbour, Andreas Möller and Matt Trau*. Characterizing the Heterogeneity of Small Extracellular Vesicle Populations in Multiple Cancer Types via an Ultrasensitive Chip. ACS Sensors, 2021, 6, 3182–3194. (SCI一区,IF=7.7)
[3] Jing Wang†, Alain Wuethrich†, Abu Ali Ibn Sina, Rebecca E. Lane, Lynlee L. Lin, Yuling Wang*, Jonathan Cebon, Andreas Behren and Matt Trau*. Tracking Extracellular Vesicle Phenotypic Changes Enables Treatment Monitoring in Melanoma. Science Advances, 2020, 6, eaax3223. (Science子刊,IF=14.1)
[4] Zhen Zhang†, Jing Wang†, Karthik Balaji Shanmugasundaram, Belinda Yeo, Andreas Möller, Alain Wuethrich*, Lynlee L. Lin* and Matt Trau*. Tracking drug-induced epithelial-mesenchymal transition in breast cancer by a microfluidic surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy immunoassay. Small, 2020, 1905614. (SCI一区,IF=13.3)
[5] Jing Wang, Kevin M. Koo*, Yuling Wang* and Matt Trau*. Engineering State-of-the-Art Plasmonic Nanomaterials for SERS-Based Clinical Liquid Biopsy Applications. Advanced Science, 2019, 6, 1900730. (SCI一区,IF=15.8)
[6] Jing Wang†, Will Anderson†, Junrong Li, Lynlee L. Lin, Yuling Wang* and Matt Trau*. High-resolution Study of in situ Surface-enhanced Raman Scattering Nanotag Behavior in Biological Systems. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2019, 537, 536-546. (SCI二区,IF=7.5)
[7] Jing Wang†, Kevin M. Koo†, Yuling Wang* and Matt Trau*. Mix-to-Go Silver Colloidal Strategy for Prostate Cancer Molecular Profiling and Risk Prediction. Analytical chemistry, 2018, 90 (21), 12698-12705. (SCI一区,IF=6.4)
[8] Kevin M Koo†, Jing Wang†, Renée S Richards, Aine Farrell, John W Yaxley, Hema Samaratunga, Patrick E Teloken, Matthew J Roberts, Geoffrey D Coughlin, Martin F Lavin, Paul N Mainwaring, Yuling Wang, Robert A Gardiner and Matt Trau*. Design and Clinical Verification of Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Diagnostic Technology for Individual Cancer Risk Prediction. ACS Nano, 2018, 12 (8), 8362-8371. (SCI一区,IF=13.9)
[9] Junrong Li†, Jing Wang†, Yadveer S Grewal, Christopher B Howard, Lyndon J Raftery, Stephen Mahler, Yuling Wang* and Matt Trau*. Multiplexed SERS Detection of Soluble Cancer Protein Biomarkers with Gold-Silver Alloy Nanoboxes and Nanoyeast Single-Chain Variable Fragments. Analytical Chemistry, 2018, 90 (17), 10377-10384. (SCI一区,IF=6.4)
[10] Simon Chang-Hao Tsao‡, Jing Wang‡, Yuling Wang*, Andreas Behren, Jonathan Cebon and Matt Trau*. Characterising the Phenotypic Evolution of Circulating Tumour Cells during Treatment. Nature Communications, 2018, 9 (1), 1482. (Nature子刊,IF=11.9)
[11] Jing Wang‡, Kevin M Koo‡, Eugene JH Wee*, Yuling Wang* and Matt Trau*. A Nanoplasmonic Label-Free Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Strategy for Non-Invasive Cancer Genetic Subtyping in Patient Samples. Nanoscale, 2017, 9 (10), 3496-3503. (SCI一区,IF=7.2)
[12] Khondakar Kamil Reza‡, Jing Wang‡, Ramanathan Vaidyanathan, Shuvashis Dey, Yuling Wang* and Matt Trau*. Electrohydrodynamic-Induced Sers Immunoassay for Extensive Multiplexed Biomarker Sensing. Small, 2017, 13 (9), 1602902. (SCI一区,IF=9.6)
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,12074069,基于血浆外泌体多组分SERS分析的肺癌早期筛查诊断研究,2021.1-2024.12,63万,主持
1. 2015年澳大利亚国际研究生奖学金(全球每年仅300人)
2. 2018年中国国家优秀自费留学生奖学金(全球每年仅500人)