
发布者:吴晓静 发布时间:2019-06-20 浏览次数:3329





卢启景,博士,教授,博士生导师。2016年6月获得复旦大学光学博士学位,2016年8月入职福建师范大学光电与信息工程学院,历任讲师(2016.08),副教授(2017.12),教授(2021.12)。长期致力于高品质因子光微流微腔和微纳生物光子学的研究,在光学与光学工程领域国际知名期刊Optics Letters、Optics Express、Applied Physics Letters等上发表学术论文40余篇。担任国际知名期刊Photonics Research,Optics Letters,Optics Express等杂志审稿人、国家自然科学基金通讯评审专家及福建省光学学会理事。入选福建省高层次人才(C类)、福建省高校杰出青年科研人才培育计划及福建师范大学“宝琛计划”中青年人才支持计划,荣获中国光学学会王大珩光学奖。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、青年科学基金及福建省自然科学基金面上项目等7项。




卢启景,廖令琴,舒方杰,李明,谢树森,邹长铃,“基于回音壁微腔的可见光波段光频梳研究进展(特邀),”激光与红外工程,51,20220335 (2022)。

刘先琳, et al. '欧姆热调谐光学微泡谐振腔光频梳研究.' 光学学报 41, 1614002 (2021):.

Qijing Lu, X. Chen, X. Liu, J. Guo, S. Xie*, X. Wu*, C.-L. Zou*, and C.-H. Dong, ' Opto-fluidic-plasmonic liquid-metal core microvavity,' Applied Physics Letters 117, 161101 (2020).

X. Chen#, X. Zhao#, Z. Guo, L. Fu, Qijing Lu*, S. Xie, and X. Wu*, 'Optofluidic microbubble Fabry–Pérot cavity,' Optics Express 28, 15161-15172 (2020).

Qijing Lu*, X. Chen, X. Liu, L. Fu, C.-L. Zou, and S. Xie*, 'Tunable optofluidic liquid metal core microbubble resonator,' Optics Express 28, 2201-2209 (2020).

X. Liu, Qijing Lu*, L. Fu, X. Chen, X. Wu, and S. Xie, “Coupled-mode induced transparency via Ohmic heating in a single polydimethylsiloxane-coated microbubble resonator,” Optics Express 28, 10705-10713 (2020).

L. Fu, Qijing Lu*, X. Liu, X. Chen, X. Wu, and S. Xie, 'Combining whispering gallery mode optofluidic microbubble resonator sensor with GR-5 DNAzyme for ultra-sensitive lead ion detection,' Talanta 213, 120815 (2020).

Z. Guo, Qijing Lu, C. Zhu, B. Wang, Y. Zhou, and X. Wu*, 'Ultra-sensitive biomolecular detection by external referencing optofluidic microbubble resonators,' Optics Express 27, 12424-12435 (2019).

Qijing Lu, X. Chen, L. Fu, S. Xie*, and X. Wu*, 'On-Chip Real-Time Chemical Sensors Based on Water-Immersion-Objective Pumped Whispering-Gallery-Mode Microdisk Laser,' Nanomaterials 9, 479 (2019).

Qijing Lu, X. Chen, C.-L. Zou*, and S. Xie*, 'Extreme terahertz electric-field enhancement in high-Q photonic crystal slab cavity with nanoholes,' Optics Express 26, 30851-30861 (2018). highlighted as an Editor's Pick

Qijing Lu, X. Chen, S. Xie*, and X. Wu*, 'Controllable and selective single-mode lasing in polymer microbottle resonator,' Optics Express 26, 20183-20191 (2018).

Qijing Lu, S. Liu, X. Wu, L. Liu*, and L. Xu*, 'Stimulated Brillouin laser and frequency comb generation in high-Q microbubble resonators,' Optics Letters 41, 1736-1739 (2016).

Qijing Lu, J. Liao, S. Liu, X. Wu, L. Liu*, and L. Xu*, 'Precise measurement of micro bubble resonator thickness by internal aerostatic pressure sensing,' Optics Express 24, 20855-20861 (2016).

Qijing Lu#, M. Li#, J. Liao, S. Liu, X. Wu, L. Liu*, and L. Xu*, 'Strong coupling of hybrid and plasmonic resonances in liquid core plasmonic micro-bubble cavities,' Optics Letters 40, 5842-5845 (2015).

Qijing Lu, X. Wu, L. Liu*, and L. Xu*, 'Mode-selective lasing in high-Q polymer micro bottle resonators,' Optics Express 23, 22740-22745 (2015).

Qijing Lu, F.-J. Shu, and C.-L. Zou*, 'Dielectric bow-tie nanocavity,' Optics Letters 38, 5311-5314 (2013).

Qijing Lu, X. Chen, H. Yang, X. Wu*, and S. Xie*, 'Ultrahigh Purcell factor, improved sensitivity, and enhanced optical force in dielectric bowtie whispering-gallery-mode resonators,' IEEE Photonics Journal 9, 4502210 (2017).

X. Chen, L. Fu, Qijing Lu*, X. Wu, and S. Xie, 'Packaged droplet microresonator for thermal sensing with high sensitivity,' Sensors 18, 3881 (2018).

H. Sun, X. Chen, H. Wang, Qijing Lu, H. Yang, S. Xie, and X. Wu*, 'Fabrication of lasing whispering gallery mode microresonators by controllable injection method,' IEEE Photonics Journal 9, 1503006 (2017).

X. Chen, Qijing Lu*, H. Yang, X. Wu, and S. Xie, 'Modified field confinement and enhanced optical forces in hybrid dielectric wedge tip-loaded plasmonic waveguide,' Journal of Nanophotonics 11, 046015 (2017).

Qijing Lu, C.-L. Zou, D. Chen, P. Zhou, and G. Wu*, 'Extreme light confinement and low loss in triangle hybrid plasmonic waveguide,' Optics Communications 319, 141-146 (2014).

Qijing Lu, F.-J. Shu, and C.-L. Zou*, 'Extremely local electric field enhancement and light confinement in dielectric waveguide,' IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 26, 1426-1429 (2013).

Qijing Lu, D. Chen*, and G. Wu, 'Low-loss hybrid plasmonic waveguide based on metal ridge and semiconductor nanowire,' Optics Communications 289, 64-68 (2012).

Qijing Lu, D. Chen, G. Wu*, B. Peng, and J. Xu, 'A hybrid plasmonic microresonator with high quality factor and small mode volume,' Journal of Optics 14, 125503 (2012).

Qijing Lu, F. Shu, D. Chen, G. Wu*, and P. Zhou, 'Focusing of electromagnetic fields in high-Q hybrid wedge plasmon polariton microresonator,' Applied Optics 51, 6968-6973 (2012).








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