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[2]. Duo Lin, Yi-Cheng Lin, Shangwei Yang, Lan Zhou, Weng Kee Leong, Shangyuan Feng*, and Kien Voon Kong*, Organometallic-constructed Tip-based Dual Chemical Sensing by Tip-enhanced Raman Spectroscopy for Diabetes Detection. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2018, 10(49):41902-41908, (SCI一区,IF 8.09)
[3]. Duo Lin, Tianxun Gong, Zi-Yao Hong, Sufang Qiu, Jianji Pan, Chinh-Yu Tseng, Shangyuan Feng*, Rong Chen*, and Kien Voon Kong*. Metal Carbonyls for the Biointerference-Free Ratiometric SERS-based Assay for Cell-Free Circulating DNA of Epstein-Barr Virus in Blood. Analytical Chemistry, 2018, 90 (12): 7139-7147. (SCI一区,IF 6.04)
[4]. Jinyong Lin, Lingdong Shao, Sufang Qiu, Xingwu Huang, Mengmeng Liu, Zuci Zheng, Duo Lin and Shangyuan Feng*. Application of a near-infrared laser tweezers Raman spectroscopy system for label-free analysis and differentiation of diabetic red blood cells, Biomedical Optics Express, 2018, 9(3): 984-993 (SCI光学二区, IF 3.48)
[5]. Mengmeng Liu, Xiujie Liu, Zufang Huang, Hang Fai Kwok*, Yao Lin*, Shangyuan Feng*, Rapid discrimination of colon cancer cells with single base mutation in KRAS gene segment using laser tweezers Raman spectroscopy, Journal of Biophotonics, 2019, e201800332 (SCI二区, IF 3.76,封面论文)
[6]. Xueliang Lin, Lingna Wang, Huijing Lin, Duo Lin*, Jinyong Lin, Shangyuan Feng*, A novel urine analysis technique combining affinity chromatography with Au nanoparticle based surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy for potential applications in non‐invasive cancer screening, Journal of Biophotonics, 2019, e201800327 (SCI二区, IF 3.76, 封面论文)
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[8]. Lin D, Wu Q, Qiu S, Chen G, Feng S*, Chen R, Zeng H*. Label-free liquid biopsy based on blood circulating DNA detection using SERS-based nanotechnology for nasopharyngeal cancer screening. Nanomedicine. 2019 , 22:102100. doi: 10.1016/j.nano. (SCI二区,IF 4.3)
[9]. Lin X, Wang Y, Wang L, Lu Y, Li J, Lu D, Zhou T, Huang Z, Huang J, Huang H, Qiu S, Chen R, Lin D*, Feng S*. Interference-free and high precision biosensor based on surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy integrated with surface molecularly imprinted polymer technology for tumor biomarker detection in human blood.Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2019 , 143:111599. doi: 10.1016/j.bios.2019.111599. (SCI一区,IF 10.25)
[10]. Lin D, Wang Y, Wang T, Zhu Y*, Lin X, Lin Y*, Feng S*. Metabolite profiling of human blood by surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy for surgery assessment and tumor screening in breast cancer. Anal Bioanal Chem. 2020 , 412(7):1611-1618. doi: 10.1007/s00216-020-02391-4. (SCI二区, IF 3.63)
2.国家自然科学基金面上项目,61575043,基于尿液肿瘤标志物SERS与SEROA光谱技术的食道癌筛查研究,2016.1-2019.12, 61万,主持;