
发布者:陈希文 发布时间:2024-06-27 浏览次数:131





  • Yuanying Zhang, Qi Zhang, Xiaochuan Jiang, Shujun Zheng, Jinhong Li, Xianmiao Xu, Yi Yang, Zhiyun Huang*, and Xiaodi Tan*. "Circular polarization detector based on polarization holography." Optics Letters 47, no. 22 (2022): 5941-5944.

  • LuHuang, Yuanying Zhang*, Qi Zhang, Yuxin Chen, Xi Chen, Zhiyun Huang, Xiao Lin, and Xiaodi Tan*. "Generation of a vector light field based on polarization holography." Optics Letters 46, no.18 (2021): 4542-4545.

  • YuanyingZhang*, Haoxu Guo, Xiaodong Qiu, Xiancong Lu, Xuechang Ren, and Lixiang Chen. "LED-based chromatic and white-light vortices of fractional topological charges." Optics Communications 485 (2021): 126732.

  • Xu, Xianmiao, Yuanying Zhang*, Haiyang Song, Xiao Lin, Zhiyun Huang, Kazuo Kuroda, and Xiaodi Tan*. "Generation of circular polarization with an arbitrarily polarized reading wave." Optics Express 29, no. 2 (2021): 2613-2623.

  • Yuanying Zhang, Jikang Wang, Wuhong Zhang, Shuting Chen, and Lixiang Chen*. "LED-based visible light communication for color image and audio transmission utilizing orbital angular momentum superposition modes." Optics Express 26, no. 13 (2018): 17300-17311.

  • Yuanying Zhang, Wuhong Zhang, Ming Su, and Lixiang Chen*. "Shaping the Arago–Poisson spot with incomplete spiral phase modulation." JOSA A 33, no. 4 (2016): 570-575.

  • 陈理想,张远颖.“光子高阶轨道角动量制备调控及传感应用研究进展.”物理学报 64,no.16 (2015): 164210.


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  • 国家自然科学基金青年项目,基于偏光全息理论研究矢量光场在聚合物材料中的产生和调控,2022.01-2024.1224万,主持。

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