海外英才分论坛学术报告【Colour Meets Geometry — Colour Space Homography Theorem and Its Applications】

发布者:叶良斌 发布时间:2019-05-14 浏览次数:288

海外英才分论坛学术报告Colour Meets Geometry — Colour Space Homography Theorem and Its Applications






Images of co-planar points in 3-dimensional space taken from different camera positions are a homography apart. Homographies are at the heart of geometric methods in a lot of computer vision tasks. In this talk, I will introduce the interesting finding of that homographies are the apposite tool for relating image colours of the same scene when the capture conditions —illumination colour, shading and device —change. Three applications will be presented. First, we show that colour calibration can be correctly formulated as a homography problem. Second, we compare the chromaticity distributions of an image of colourful objects to a database of object chromaticity distributions using homography matching. Lastly, we show colour homography for modelling the colour transfer problem.


龚瀚,男,1989年生,英国东安格利亚大学(Uni. of East Anglia -- UEA)计算机系助理教授,共同领导UEA色彩和计算成像实验室。2015年在英国巴斯大学(Uni. of Bath)获得计算机科学博士学位。后在UEA、爱丁堡大学(Uni. of Edinburgh)、剑桥大学(Uni. of Cambridge)作博士后研究。现为TPAMI, TIP, JOSA A, Applied Optics, MTA, Neurocomputing等国际核心期刊的审稿人。2014年获得BMVC最佳学生论文奖,2018年获得CIC最佳学术论文奖。长期从事计算机视觉、人工智能、色彩成像的研究工作。详细访问:http://hangong.ml/

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